Are you ready to create a software product?  What is a tech stack? Choosing the appropriate technology stack might be the difference between producing solid, scalable web applications and setting your company up for a lifetime of problems.

The tech stack is the underlying collection of tools and languages that underlie today’s software products. It influences the mobile or online app’s design, functioning, and future scalability. Here’s an outline of the ideal tech stacks to utilize for your startup team to boost your chances of building a software product that people will enjoy.

What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack is a set of tools, programming languages frameworks, and technologies collaborating to produce digital items or solutions such as websites mobile apps, and web applications.

A technology stack comprises two equally critical components: the front (client-side) and the back end (server-side). Both collaborate to build a functional tech stack. It is also known as an application stack.

While there are several web development tech stacks, not all are equal. Choosing an appropriate IT stack may be difficult, especially for startups and small organizations. They have a limited budget and resources, so it is critical to select the correct tech stack to deploy their software initiatives.

Components of the Technology Stack

In brief, a technological stack comprises the front and backend stacks. These stacks also influence the developer’s involvement in creating the product.

Frontend Tech Stack

The frontend tech stack is the application’s client side. Anything a user may view or interact with on a screen is called client-side. The frontend stack’s primary objective is to provide an excellent user experience, a fluid user interface, and simple internal structures. In other words, it is in charge of website or web app design, format, and navigation.

A frontend stack consists of three main components. They are as follows:

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

It is a code language to create and display electronic documents (web pages). They serve as the foundation for the organizing and positioning of material on a web page.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

It is in charge of the format and layout of web pages. Font styles, sizes, layout, color, and other web page characteristics are all included. Developers extensively use CSS frameworks such as SASS and LESS to make CSS more controllable and dynamic.


It is used to make web pages more interactive. It is a programming language that enables the implementation of dynamic elements on web pages using standard libraries and frameworks like jQuery, React, Angular, and Vue. Many recent apps now employ TypeScript rather than plain JavaScript.  

Backend Tech Stack

The backend tech stack is the server side of software development. It refers to the non-visible internal workings of a website or app. Consider it similar to the electric power plants that provide electricity for your home. They may appear inconspicuous in the background, yet they are critical to the proper execution of the processes.

The following components comprise the backend stack:

Programming languages

It generates logic for applications and web pages. The program connects the internet to a database. Some examples are JavaScript, PHP, and Python.


The framework supports applications written in a single programming language. Laravel, Django, and Ruby on Rails are among the most popular tech stack frameworks. The majority of recent applications are created with an MVC web framework.

Web Servers

Backend servers are required to handle client requests. Web servers that are widely used include Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS).


Almost all applications need the use of an SQL or NoSQL database. Databases that are widely used include MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

These programming languages, frameworks, technologies, servers, and databases for web development are built on top of one another. As a result, the phrase “tech stacks” was coined.

What Is the Importance of a Technology Stack?

The most significant advantage of a technological stack is its ability to converse. That is, the significance of a tech stack is derived from its capacity to deliver numerous data. What is arguably more essential is how you use the information you acquire. Only a few sentences may expose the strengths and limitations of any particular program to a competent software developer. 

This type of information influences not only your application’s longevity but also your business’s overall profitability. For example, the MEAN stack depends entirely on JavaScript as a programming language. MEAN’s dependence on JavaScript eliminates a layer of complexity from many aspects of the application-building process. 

For example, hiring JavaScript developers should be pretty simple because JavaScript is a well-known language, and developers must be comfortable with it. JavaScript also boasts a plethora of libraries and web frameworks that promise to make expanding your business easier when the time comes. 

What Are the Distinctions Between Mobile & Web App Technology Stacks?

The notion of a tech stack may be applied to any situation. Whether you want to design a server stack, a web stack, or an application stack, you must still divide your stack into segments and layers and determine which software is required for each.

However, the composition of a mobile app vs. a web app differs significantly; therefore, their tech stacks differ. 

A web application’s context can be rather broad. In all situations, the essential pieces will include software dedicated to a web application’s server and operating systems – in addition to the website’s foundational programming language. 

There are various alternatives for what is a tech stack and how the tech stack will appear inside regarding the specific software, but the essential layers share the same structure. 

In comparison, mobile apps typically have specific considerations to make:

  • Multi-Channel Functionality
  • API Integration
  • Core Smartphone Services

Let’s go through some everyday tech stacks you can come across as a coder.

MERN stack

The MERN stack is a prominent JavaScript-based web development tech stack. It is built with MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. The MERN stack is intended to make programming more accessible and more efficient by combining:

  • A NoSQL database
  • The Express framework for simplifying and maintaining backend code
  • React for arranging the frontend
  • Node is the runtime environment that performs Javascript
  • Outside of the web browser

MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack is an acronym for MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node. Our MEAN stack tutorial will teach you all you need to know about it. It’s similar to the MERN stack, but instead of React, it utilizes Angular. 

So, what distinguishes MEAN from MERN? 

While they are both based on JavaScript, Google supports Angular, whereas Meta supports React. Angular has a higher learning curve but handles abstraction and file management. 

While developing is more complex, it may be preferable for enterprise-level applications. Angular supports data flow in both directions, whereas React only supports data flow from parent to child components.

LAMP Stack

LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python. This stack became popular since Apache and PHP were dominant in earlier decades. LAMP was designed for enterprise-level applications that experience high traffic and daily data transfers. 

It can, however, only be utilized on workstations that run the Linux operating system

It could better fit contemporary web technologies that require more dynamic, responsive (i.e., usable across many devices), cross-platform, and highly secure solutions.

The LAMP stack has become one of the most popular web development tech stacks. It contains the Linux operating system, the web server Linux, Apache, MySQL database, and the programming language PHP.

Wrap Up!

You now understand what a tech stack is, the central web development stacks, and their wages. 

Remember that there is no correct solution when picking which tech stack to master. The one you pick to study can influence which company you want to work for, but the most essential thing is that you start.

As you near the completion of the program, one of the career consultants will meet with you to assist you with preparing your developer portfolio and yourself for the businesses and paths you choose to pursue.


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