In today’s fast-paced corporate climate, swiftly adapting to changing market demands, client demands, and developing technology is essential. Agile techniques can help with it.

Agile is a flexible, iterative software development life cycle focusing on teamwork, quick prototyping, and ongoing improvement.

In this manual, we’ll go in-depth on the Agile Development Life Cycle, dissecting each step and offering helpful advice and best practices for organizations considering adopting an Agile methodology. Also available for free use is our Agile template.

This study includes something for everyone, regardless of your experience with Agile. Let’s get going!

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What Does An Agile Life Cycle Entail?

A product’s systematic succession of phases as it develops from start to finish is known as the agile software development life cycle. Its six phases are concept, inception, iteration, release, maintenance, and retirement.

The project management approach that team members decide on will have little impact on the Agile life cycle. For instance, Scrum teams operate in sprints with brief timeframes akin to iterations. They also have responsibilities that are precisely defined, like Scrum Master.

On the other hand, Kanban teams operate more continuously improvement and don’t have set responsibilities. Another illustration is Extreme Programming, where teams work in shorter iterations, giving engineering methods more attention.  

Providing usable software to consumers on schedule is the common objective all software development teams share.

6 Phases Of The Agile Life Cycle

As previously indicated, six steps make up the Agile software development projects. Let’s look more closely at each of these Agile stages.


The concept stage comes first. A product owner will decide the project’s scope at this point. If there are several initiatives, they will prioritize the most crucial ones.

The product owner will talk with a customer about the important requirements and provide documentation outlining them, including what features will be supported and the anticipated outcomes. 

The criteria should be kept to a minimum because they can be expanded in the future. The product owner will make a time and cost estimate for future projects at the idea stage.

They may use this thorough study to determine whether a project is possible before they start working on it.


The software development team has to be assembled after describing the concept. In addition to selecting the finest candidates for the project, a product owner will provide them with the required tools and resources.

The design process can then begin. The group will develop the project architecture and a user interface mock-up. 

To completely develop the requirements on a diagram and establish the product’s functionality, further input from stakeholders is required at the conception stage.

Check-ins at regular intervals will assist in guaranteeing that the design process incorporates all needs.


The iteration phase, often known as building, is the next step. This phase is usually the longest since most work is done here. The developers and UX designers will incorporate all product requirements and consumer input before translating the design into code.

By the end of the first iteration or sprint, the product’s basic functionality is what is intended. 

In subsequent versions, further features and improvements might be included. The foundation of Agile software development is this stage, which enables developers to produce functional software fast and make changes to please the client.


The item is almost prepared for sale. But first, various tests must be run by the quality assurance team to make sure the program is completely working.

Agile team members will test the program to guarantee that the code is error-free; if any possible bugs or flaws are found, the developers will take immediate action to fix them. 

This stage will also include user training, which calls for greater documentation. The last iteration of the product can then be launched for manufacturing after everything is finished.


Now that the program has been installed completely, users may access it. It enters the maintenance phase after doing this. The software development team will continue to offer help during this stage to keep the system operating efficiently and fix any new issues. 

They will also be available to provide consumers with further training and ensure they are familiar with how to utilize the product. Iterations can be made to the current product over time to bring improvements and new features.


A product might reach the retirement phase for one of two reasons: either it is being replaced with new software, or the system itself has grown dated or incompatible with the company. Users will initially receive notification from the program development team that the software is being decommissioned.

The users will be transferred to the new system if there is a replacement. The developers will then complete the product with any outstanding end-of-life tasks and stop supporting the current product.

Numerous iterations are used at each phase of the Agile life cycle. It improves to delivery of working software and provides excellent outcomes. Let’s examine how each component of this iteration procedure functions: 

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The Iterative Process of Agile

Agile iterations typically last two to four weeks and have a set end date. An Agile iteration’s workflow generally consists of the following five steps:

  • Plan specifications 
  • create a product
  • QA software
  • Provide iteration
  • incorporate suggestions 

Each Agile phase will include several iterations as software developers repeat procedures to improve their product and create the best software possible. These iterations are minor iterations of the larger Agile life cycle.

A crucial structural paradigm for software development teams is the agile life cycle, which helps teams remain on track as they create products from conception through retirement. Team members must have access to the necessary materials and equipment, including an Agile project management platform, to support all phases of the Agile cycle.


The agile SDLC or software development life cycle is a departure from the conventional software development life cycle that front-loads the workload on software development teams.

The lengthy periods characteristic of traditional cycles are one factor in this; most startups and smaller businesses need more financial runway to wait that long. They must deal with the hard reality that their rivals may launch a product before them, or their clients may have already moved on to the next hot product.


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