Pagination is a common feature in web applications to manage large sets of data. In this article, we will build a pagination component in Next.js and provide an example of how to use it.


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • Next.js

Next.js Pagination Steps

Setting Up the Next.js Project

First, create a new Next.js project if you don’t already have one:

npx create-next-app next-pagination-example
cd next-pagination-example

Creating the Pagination Component

Create a new file called Pagination.js inside the components directory:

// components/Pagination.js
import React from 'react';

const Pagination = ({ currentPage, totalPages, onPageChange }) => {
  const handleClick = (page) => {
    if (page > 0 && page <= totalPages) {

  return (
    <div className="pagination">
      <button onClick={() => handleClick(currentPage - 1)} disabled={currentPage === 1}>
      {[...Array(totalPages)].map((_, index) => (
          key={index + 1}
          onClick={() => handleClick(index + 1)}
          className={currentPage === index + 1 ? 'active' : ''}
          {index + 1}
      <button onClick={() => handleClick(currentPage + 1)} disabled={currentPage === totalPages}>
      <style jsx>{`
        .pagination {
          display: flex;
          gap: 0.5rem;
          margin-top: 1rem;
        .pagination button {
          padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
          border: none;
          background-color: #0070f3;
          color: white;
          cursor: pointer;
        .pagination button:disabled {
          background-color: #eaeaea;
          cursor: not-allowed;
        .pagination {
          background-color: #005bb5;

export default Pagination;

Using the Pagination Component

Now, let’s use the Pagination component in a page. Create a new file called index.js inside the pages directory:

// pages/index.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Pagination from '../components/Pagination';

const itemsPerPage = 10;
const totalItems = 100; // Example total items

const HomePage = () => {
  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1);

  const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalItems / itemsPerPage);

  const onPageChange = (page) => {

  const currentItems = Array.from({ length: itemsPerPage }, (_, index) => ({
    id: index + 1 + (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage,
    name: `Item ${index + 1 + (currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage}`,

  return (
      <h1>Pagination Example</h1>
        { => (
          <li key={}>{}</li>
      <Pagination currentPage={currentPage} totalPages={totalPages} onPageChange={onPageChange} />

export default HomePage;

Running the Application

Run the application using the following command:

npm run dev

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see a list of items with pagination controls.


In this article, we created a pagination component in Next.js and used it in a simple example. Pagination helps manage large datasets by breaking them into smaller, manageable pages. You can customize the component further to suit your needs.

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Next.js Pagination – FAQs

What is pagination?

Pagination is a technique to divide a large dataset into smaller, manageable pages.

How do I create a pagination component in Next.js?

You can create a pagination component in Next.js using React state and event handlers to manage page changes.

How do I calculate the total number of pages?

Divide the total number of items by the number of items per page and round up to the nearest whole number.

How do I disable pagination buttons?

Disable pagination buttons when the current page is the first or last page using the disabled attribute.

Can I use the pagination component with dynamic data?

Yes, you can fetch data from an API and use the pagination component to navigate through the results.


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