Next.js and Remix are two of the most popular frameworks in the React ecosystem, each offering unique features and approaches to building modern web applications. This article will explore the key differences between Next.js and Remix, illustrating these distinctions with code examples.

Differences Next.js and Remix

1. Routing

Next.js uses file-based routing. This means that the routes are defined by the file structure in the pages directory. Each file corresponds to a route based on its filename.

// Next.js - File-based routing example
// File: pages/about.js

import React from 'react';

const About = () => {
  return <div>About Us</div>;

export default About;

Remix, on the other hand, employs a more explicit routing configuration. It uses a routes directory where you can define your routes in a more declarative manner. 

// Remix - Route configuration example
// File: routes/about.jsx

import { Outlet, Link } from "react-router-dom";

export default function About() {
  return (
      <h2>About Us</h2>

2. Data Fetching

Both frameworks handle data fetching differently, which influences how data integrates into components.

Next.js allows data fetching at the page level using specific functions like getStaticProps for static generation and getServerSideProps for server-side rendering.

// Next.js - Data fetching for static generation
// File: pages/about.js

export async function getStaticProps(context) {
  const res = await fetch('');
  const data = await res.json();

  return {
    props: { about: data }, // will be passed to the page component as props

Remix uses loaders to fetch data, which are defined as part of the route module. This can provide a more cohesive loading strategy directly tied to the route itself.

// Remix - Loader for data fetching
// File: routes/about.jsx

export let loader = async () => {
  const res = await fetch('');
  const about = await res.json();
  return about;

export default function About() {
  let data = useLoaderData();
  return (

3. File Structure

Next.js uses a more straightforward file structure primarily focused on the pages directory for routing and a public directory for static files. This simplicity is great for new developers.

Remix, however, introduces a routes directory for all route-related components and loaders, along with conventions for managing assets and styles closer to route definitions, promoting better encapsulation.

4. Client-side Navigation

Next.js relies on its built-in Link component from next/link to handle client-side transitions efficiently.

// Next.js - Using Link for navigation
import Link from 'next/link';

const Navigation = () => {
  return (
      <Link href="/about"><a>About Us</a></Link>

Remix uses Link from react-router-dom, offering more flexibility in terms of route parameters and nested routes.

// Remix - Using Link for navigation
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

const Navigation = () => {
  return (
      <Link to="/about">About Us</Link>


Both Next.js and Remix offer robust solutions for building React applications, but they cater to slightly different developer experiences and project requirements. Next.js might be preferable for projects that benefit from straightforward static site generation and server-side rendering. Remix, with its deep integration with React Router and focus on routes, might be better for those who want more explicit control over every aspect of the routing experience.

Choosing between Next.js and Remix will depend on your specific needs, the complexity of your project, and your preference for certain React patterns. Both frameworks are powerful, and understanding their nuances is key to making the best choice for your development process.

Comparing Next.js and Remix – FAQs

Is Remix better than Next.js?

Whether Remix is better than Next.js depends on your specific needs; Remix offers more explicit control over routing and data loading, while Next.js excels in ease of use and strong support for static site generation.

What is better than Next.js?

“Better” is subjective; some alternatives to Next.js include Gatsby for static sites, Remix for deeper routing control, and SvelteKit for those preferring Svelte over React.

Is Remix better than React?

Remix is not directly comparable to React as it is a framework built on top of React, designed to enhance routing and data handling capabilities in React applications.

What is the difference between NPM trends Remix and Next.js?

NPM trends show the download statistics which indicate the popularity and usage of packages; Remix is typically less popular than Next.js but is gaining traction for its unique features.

Does Next.js support API routes?

Yes, Next.js supports API routes by allowing you to create API endpoints as Node.js functions within the pages/api directory.


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