In web development, an iFrame (Inline Frame) is an HTML element that allows an external webpage to be embedded within the current page. It’s a useful tool for incorporating third-party content such as videos, maps, or web applications without directly affecting the rest of your webpage. Next.js, being a robust framework for React, supports the use of iFrames with ease. This article provides a practical guide on how to integrate an iFrame into a Next.js application, along with a coding example.

Understanding iFrames in Next.js

An iFrame in Next.js is implemented much like in any other HTML context, but with additional considerations for performance and security. Next.js renders components server-side by default, and integrating an iFrame involves ensuring it loads efficiently and securely within this setup.

Steps to Integrate an iFrame

Step 1: Create a Next.js Project

If you haven’t already created a Next.js project, you can start one with the following commands:

npx create-next-app my-next-app
cd my-next-app

Step 2: Create a New Page with an iFrame

Navigate to the pages directory, create a new file named iframe-page.js, and open it for editing:

touch pages/iframe-page.js

Step 3: Embed the iFrame

In iframe-page.js, you’ll set up a simple component that includes an iFrame. Here’s how you can embed a YouTube video as an example:

import Head from 'next/head';

function IframePage() {
  return (
        <title>iFrame Integration in Next.js</title>
      <h1>YouTube Video Embed</h1>
        src="" // Example YouTube video
        style={{ border: 'none' }}
        allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

export default IframePage;

In this example:

  • src: URL of the page or video you want to embed.
  • width and height: Dimensions of the iFrame.
  • style: CSS styling for the iFrame; here, we remove the border.
  • allow: Permissions for what the iFrame can do, including full-screen capabilities and other features.

Step 4: Run Your Application

To view your page with the iFrame, run your Next.js application:

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000/iframe-page in your browser to see the iFrame in action.

Considerations and Best Practices


When using iFrames, it’s important to be mindful of security risks. Use the sandbox attribute to restrict the capabilities of the content inside the iFrame. For example, to prevent forms from being submitted and scripts from executing, you can modify the iFrame tag like so:

<iframe src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"></iframe>


iFrames can impact performance as they load additional resources. Use them judiciously and consider lazy loading offscreen iFrames to improve page load times.


Integrating an iFrame in a Next.js project is straightforward and follows the standard HTML approach with React-specific enhancements. By incorporating iFrames, you can seamlessly integrate external content into your applications, enhancing functionality without compromising design coherence or security.

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Integrating an iFrame in Next.js –  FAQs

What is an iFrame in web development?

An iFrame (Inline Frame) is an HTML element used to embed another HTML document within a webpage.

How do I add an iFrame in a Next.js page?

You can add an iFrame by using the <iframe> HTML tag within any React component or page in your Next.js application.

Can I use an iFrame to embed any type of content in Next.js?

Yes, you can use an iFrame to embed various types of content like videos, maps, and web pages, as long as you adhere to cross-origin policies.

Is it safe to use iFrames in Next.js applications?

iFrames can be safe if used correctly, but it’s important to implement security measures like the sandbox attribute to mitigate potential risks.

How do I make an iFrame responsive in Next.js?

To make an iFrame responsive, wrap it in a div with a CSS class that controls its sizing based on the viewport using CSS properties.


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