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by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Many coding students are interested in learning how to create mobile apps. But, because the mobile device industry is divided between Android and iOS, …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Wireframes are a fundamental component of any web or app development project, serving as the blueprint for the final product. In this article, we’ll …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Facebook and the famous brand Meta go hand in hand. In actuality, the Android …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It enables developers …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the choice of a programming language can …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Do you have a business and find it difficult to handle it properly? We …

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Protecting API routes is essential for securing your application and ensuring that only authorized users can access certain data …

Metadata is crucial for SEO and social media sharing as it provides essential information about your web pages. In …

Nested layouts in Next.js allow you to create complex page structures with shared components like headers, footers, and sidebars. …

Next.js is a powerful framework for building static and server-rendered applications with React. In this guide, we will create …