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Next.js is a popular React framework that enables server-side rendering and static site generation. However, handling client-side features like localStorage requires careful consideration due …

Styled-components is a popular library for styling React applications using tagged template literals. It allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript files, …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

The React useContext hook is a powerful feature in React’s functional component arsenal, allowing …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

We’ll guide you through the steps to create a simple memoization example in React …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Integrating payment gateways into web applications is crucial for processing transactions securely and efficiently. …

by Muhammad Adnan - Web Developer

Flux is an architectural pattern introduced by Facebook to handle data flow in web …

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Code splitting is a powerful feature in React that allows you to split your code into smaller, manageable chunks, …

TypeScript offers strong typing and object-oriented features to JavaScript, making your React applications more predictable and easier to debug. …

The React useContext hook is a powerful feature in React’s functional component arsenal, allowing for a cleaner and more …

We’ll guide you through the steps to create a simple memoization example in React using a memoized component. Memoization …

