In the dynamic world of web development, engaging your audience is key. Enter the React Responsive Carousel – a versatile component that adds interactive and visually appealing elements to your React applications. This guide will walk you through creating a responsive and user-friendly carousel from scratch, ensuring your website stands out.


To kick things off, you need to install the carousel component. If you’re using npm, run:

npm install react-responsive-carousel

Or, if you prefer yarn, execute:

yarn add react-responsive-carousel

Basic Setup

After installation, import the Carousel component into your React application:

import { Carousel } from 'react-responsive-carousel';
import "react-responsive-carousel/lib/styles/carousel.min.css"; // requires a loader
const MyCarousel = () => (
            <img src="/path/to/image1.jpg" alt="First slide" />
            <img src="/path/to/image2.jpg" alt="Second slide" />
            <img src="/path/to/image3.jpg" alt="Third slide" />

export default MyCarousel;

Carousel Configurations are optional and you can use them as you need. Carousel Configurations are the following:

AutoPlay Configuration
  • To make the carousel rotate slides automatically:
<Carousel autoPlay>
    {/* Slide items */}
  • You can also control the interval between slide changes with the interval prop (in milliseconds):
<Carousel autoPlay interval={3000}>
    {/* Slide items */}
Infinite Loop

Enable an infinite loop so the carousel cycles continuously through the slides:

<Carousel infiniteLoop>
    {/* Slide items */}
Show or Hide Thumbnails

Control the display of thumbnail images below the carousel:

<Carousel showThumbs={false}>
    {/* Slide items */}

Setting showThumbs to false hides the thumbnails.

Show or Hide Indicators

To show or hide the carousel’s indicators (dots):

<Carousel showIndicators={false}>
    {/* Slide items */}
Show or Hide Arrows

Control the visibility of the next and previous arrows:

<Carousel showArrows={true}>
    {/* Slide items */}
Customize the Arrow Icons

For custom arrow icons, you can override the default arrows using CSS or by providing custom components via the renderArrowPrev and renderArrowNext props. Here’s a simple customization using inline styles:

    renderArrowPrev={(clickHandler, hasPrev, labelPrev) =>
        hasPrev && (
            <button type="button" style={{ ...yourStyle }} onClick={clickHandler}>
    renderArrowNext={(clickHandler, hasNext, labelNext) =>
        hasNext && (
            <button type="button" style={{ ...yourStyle }} onClick={clickHandler}>
    {/* Slide items */}
Enable Dynamic Height

To enable dynamic height, you simply add the dynamicHeight prop to your Carousel component. This tells the carousel to adjust its height according to the current slide:

<Carousel dynamicHeight>
    {/* Slide items */}

With dynamicHeight enabled, the carousel calculates the height of each active slide and adjusts its container’s height to match. This means if your slides have different content lengths or sizes, the carousel smoothly transitions in height as it changes from one slide to another.

Customizing Slide Transition Time

Modify the speed of the transition between slides (in milliseconds):

<Carousel transitionTime={500}>
    {/* Slide items */}
Emulate Touch

Makes mouse drag behave like a touch swipe.

<Carousel emulateTouch>
    {/* Slide items */}

This prop makes the carousel navigable using touch gestures on touch-screen devices and also enhances keyboard navigation.

Show Status

Displays the current slide index/status.

<Carousel showStatus={false}>
    {/* Slides */}
<Carousel showStatus={false}>
    {/* Slides */}
Use Keyboard Arrows

Enables slide navigation using keyboard arrow keys.

<Carousel useKeyboardArrows>
    {/* Slides */}

Allows slide navigation through swipe gestures on touch devices.

<Carousel swipeable={false}>
    {/* Slides */}
Center Mode

Highlights the current central slide by scaling it or adding different styling.

<Carousel centerMode centerSlidePercentage={50}>
    {/* Slides */}
Selected Item

Starts the carousel at the specified slide index.

<Carousel selectedItem={2}>
    {/* Slides */}

Change the slide direction to either horizontal or vertical.

<Carousel axis="vertical">
    {/* Slides */}
Stop On Hover

Pauses autoPlay when hovering over the carousel.

<Carousel stopOnHover>
    {/* Slides */}

Adjusts the autoPlay interval time (in milliseconds).

<Carousel autoPlay interval={3000}>
    {/* Slides */}
Thumb Width
<Carousel thumbWidth={100}>
    {/* Slides */}

By configuring these options, you can significantly customize the React Responsive Carousel’s functionality and appearance to fit the needs of your project. Remember, each prop is optional, and you can combine them in any way that suits your design goals.


The React Responsive Carousel offers a powerful way to enhance your React applications with engaging, responsive content displays. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to creating visually appealing and user-friendly carousels. Experiment with different configurations and customizations to make your carousel stand out.

Can I use the React Responsive Carousel with Next.js?

Yes, it works well with Next.js, but ensure you import CSS styles correctly.

Is it possible to display videos in the carousel?

You can embed videos within the carousel by including <video> tags in your slide elements.

How can I add custom animations between slides?

Utilize the transitionTime prop and CSS to customize animations.

How can I control the number of items displayed in the React Responsive Carousel?

To control the number of items displayed, use the centerMode and centerSlidePercentage props. Adjust centerSlidePercentage to define the width of each slide relative to the carousel’s width, indirectly controlling the number of items shown.

How do you make a carousel full width?

Use CSS to set the carousel’s width to 100% and ensure its parent container also spans the full width.

How can I change the axis of the carousel to vertical in the React Responsive Carousel?

To change the axis of the React Responsive Carousel to vertical, use the axis prop and set its value to “vertical”. This switches the direction of slide transition from the default horizontal to vertical.


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